Ancillary Services

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Site Surveys

In advance of complicated deliveries/collections our customers can avail of our pre delivery / pre collection Site Survey service. A trained surveyor will examine the job requirements on site and will in turn make recommendations, advising on the best route for the equipment to travel.

Risk Assessment

Health and Safety is a priority within any organisation. Combined with the safe delivery and collection of equipment, Risk Assessments form a vital part of the H&S process to ensure the safety of existing staff on site and external crews working on site for a relatively short period of time.

Tech Move Solutions will complete site specific Risk Assessments following the completion of the Site Survey.

Method Statement

It completes the suite of services combined to ensure that the Health and Safety of all staff and the delivery methods are clearly identified and signed off prior to the commencement of any work.

Get In Touch

Reach out to us to discover how our specialist logistic services and solutions can help you.